Maksym Davydchuk2017-09-18 21:26:39
Maksym Davydchuk, 2017-09-18 21:26:39

Hide/show block by condition (registration time)?

Good day to all. There was a task to remove a block on the Wordpress site for one week only for those who registered on Wednesday after 17:00 . I understand that there is a robot with php dates. Tell me who has come across or knows how to solve (I will be grateful for examples, links).

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1 answer(s)
Eugene, 2017-09-19

$t = get_userdata(get_current_user_id());
echo $t != 0 ? 'user registered: '.date("d.m.Y",strtotime($t->user_registered)) : 'user not logged in';

and then you will figure out how to use IFs yourself)

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