Dmitry2010-11-16 00:53:33
Dmitry, 2010-11-16 00:53:33

Help defeat the Linksys WAP54G

This miracle piece of iron fell into the hands, but the trouble is that nothing is known about it. History is silent about its IP address, settings, and performance in general. By IPs like or 1.20 does not respond even after pressing the RESET button. The scanner found a pinging IP address, but what is interesting is that all ports are closed for it - all 65535. Only ICMP is open. As a result, I can't access it. I managed to look at the entry for this IP in ARP and, interestingly, it did not match the poppy written on the sticker on the device (it was connected directly to the point, the IP stopped responding after the device was turned off).
Wi-Fi does not broadcast.
What ideas do you have - what can be done?
Thanks in advance for any help.

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2 answer(s)
Backspace, 2010-11-16

Do you connect the point directly to the computer? 30-30-30 reset (hold reset for 30 seconds → without releasing reset turn off the power for 30 seconds → turn on the power, continuing to hold reset for another 30 seconds) Did you try to find it with your native configuration program? If all this does not help, look for "Linksys WAP54G debrick" (people describe a technique with closing the 16 flash pin through a 22 ohm resistor to ground).

Alexander K., 2010-11-16

after the reset, ip is set, try accessing it with a browser
in general once we killed such an access point by flashing it with firmware for a different revision of the device, maybe you have such a case.

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