Student18ru2021-05-22 01:04:59
Database design
Student18ru, 2021-05-22 01:04:59

Have I designed the recipe database on the ER diagram correctly?

Have I designed the recipe database on the ER diagram correctly?
Please advise how to do better.
We need to develop a small database for later use on the site. There is very little experience in building and developing databases. On this, please do not mock.

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2 answer(s)
Vasily Bannikov, 2021-05-22

1. It looks very strange that BJU is tied to a dish, and kcal to a recipe.
2. Relationship between recipe and ingredient is 1-to-1, but should be 1-to-many.
3. The number of ingredients is superfluous, because it can be calculated from the number of links between the ingredients and the recipe. In any case, it definitely should not be indicated in the dish.
4. Isn't the recipe an instruction?
5. Since we have a recipe book here, where are the cooking steps? The recipe doesn't even have a description. Even the title or title.
6. Grams for ingredients may vary from one recipe to another, so they must be indicated on the recipe line.
Try to first build a model of your subject area, isolate entities and data in them from it, and then build a schema at the database level.

Developer, 2021-05-22

You do not have links where one-to-many, and where many-to-one, and so on.
Types, keys, relationships are not visible.
Burn this paper and redo it again.
This is not an ER diagram.
This is drawing paper

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