btd2012-11-13 13:01:02
btd, 2012-11-13 13:01:02

Has anyone received a pre-ordered phone from n-store.ru (Lumia 920, 820)?

Good day.

I ordered a Lumia 920 at the aforementioned store. They brought it to the delivery service yesterday - and the funniest thing is that they demand to pay for a prepaid phone. I have been dealing with technical support for two days.

Purely for statistics, I’m wondering: am I the only one so lucky or is this normal for this store?

PS: It is especially interesting to hear the opinion of nokiaman - after all, the store is official in Russia.

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5 answer(s)
Anton Agaltsov, 2012-11-13

A similar situation:
I made a pre-order, everything is fine, I took more accessories. Only they haven’t brought me yet, although I paid everything in advance.
Every day I try to call them for 4 hours. Reply wait for the letter.
But they see the benefit of my advance payment, as I ran into them, which I paid a long time ago and promised within 3 days.
Therefore, I already curse that I didn’t go to some store and buy it like that ...

ajk, 2012-11-13

I received a letter with an offer to pay for the purchase, but after confirmation it turned out that there was no phone and I could renew the pre-order. As a result, I bought in Svyaznoy

discourage, 2012-11-13

I ordered a charge from them last week on Wednesday evening, they promised to deliver it on Friday - they didn’t bring it and didn’t call back. I myself got through to them only on Monday, they said, literally: “Tuesday or Wednesday, but on Tuesday it probably won’t work, so don’t wait until Wednesday.”

Sonar, 2012-11-13

I pre-ordered a red Lumia 920.
Despite the fact that a black one magically appeared in my account instead of a red one, on November 6 I placed an order for a red one (trick). Received confirmation by mail.
Then for two days the status of my order changed from “accepted” to “confirmed” and back.
I got through (a miracle!) to them and to my question “what is happening and when to wait for the device?” Received surprisingly “Very strange, your order should not have been approved because the red ones are not available and it is not clear when they will appear, but once approved, wait.”
And I began to wait.
Two days later (November 8) I received as many as five letters from the following

Уважаемый покупатель,
Самый инновационный смартфон Nokia Lumia 920 спешит к Вам, прихватив с собой замечательный подарок — наушники Nokia Purity WH-920 от Monster.
Мы искренне надеемся, что новый флагман компании Nokia будет приносить вам позитивные эмоции каждый новый день. Мы отгружали предзаказы 06.11, 07.11 и последние будут отгружены сегодня. Вы можете уточнить сроки доставки до вас: перейдя по этой ссылке n-store.ru/price/Delivery.html Если вы не нашли ваш город в списке вы можете уточнить срок доставки до вашего населенного пункта обратившись к нам через форму обратной связи n-store.ru/feedback или позвонив по телефону 8 800 250 10 40.
С уважением, ваша команда N-store
Спасибо за покупки с нами.

On November 12, I was contacted by the delivery service.
Whether there is a bonus headset (WH-920) in the order, they do not know.
I warned that if not, I would refuse the order, they agreed.
14 (today) the courier with the device should arrive.
IMHO - without a headset and not red, it is better (for St. Petersburg) to take it in Svyaznoy / MTS and other stores.
PS about the headset.
if you believe the site, then the cost is 4190
if you look at the price from 04/19/2012 (item No. 100), then 2990
should have been ordered earlier =)

Sonyrus, 2012-11-15

Made a pre-order. Then there were many letters, they say, wait, everything will be. In the end, on the EIGHTH day of the start of official sales, the courier called me. I could not get through right away, I just had a long business conversation at that time. When he got through to me, from the threshold he began to scold me that I didn’t pick up the phone, and he was here in Kievka and there was a traffic jam, and I was generally a bad person, etc., etc. And he didn't even introduce himself! I pick up such a tube, and I’m out of it, sorry, shit, and I don’t even KNOW WHO I’M TALKING TO. Naturally, I acted in the only logical way: I found out with what I have the “honor” and sent three letters.
Then my situation became known to various people at Nokia. Completely different people from different departments apologized and blushed in front of me for the rudeness of the courier. I love everyone and don't blame anyone. However, an unpleasant aftertaste in the soul remained.
The funny thing is that today the courier from, it seems, Mobile Solutions called me again (contractor apparently). He asked me very politely and culturally how and when it would be convenient for me to receive my order. I also politely explained that I would buy the 920 from the store and no longer needed the services of the N-Store and their contractors.
PS There were other nuances in the story, but I won't tell them, because I don't want to expose people. Good people who are a little overdone.
PPS I love everyone, I don’t hold a grudge against anyone, but I don’t have a foot in the N-Store anymore. Thank God we have Svyaznoy, Euroset and other Ions.

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