Konstantin Stepanov2016-07-30 23:49:20
Konstantin Stepanov, 2016-07-30 23:49:20

Has anyone come across Sh4Ole?

We adjusted the Sh4Ole ActiveX library to read StoreHouse4 data.
There were 2 questions:
1) What generally ideology of requests? It doesn't look like SQL at all, it feels like I plunged headlong into the times of Win2000. One language in which it's all written, what is it worth. I understand that at that time WinForms generally looked terrible compared to Delphi, but still ...
2) I understand correctly that there are 2 equivalent ways to get data:
- calling functions like List of invoices

function DocList( DateFrom,                // начало периода
      DateTo:  double;                     // окончание периода
      SysFlag,                             // 0- учет 1 - спец учет
      Get_Active,                          // <>0 - Показывать активные док-ты,      0 - нет
      Get_Non_Active,                      // <>0 - Показывать неактивные документы, 0 - нет
      Get_Sum: integer):integer; safecall; // <>0 - Показывать суммы,                0 - нет

- generate requests of the form:
IndQuery :=  sh.pr_CreateProc( 'GoodsTree' ) ;
    sh.pr_SetValByName ( IndQuery, 0, '209.2.0', NULL);
    sh.pr_Post( IndQuery,0 );
    sh.pr_ExecuteProc(IndQuery);   // Получаю полное дерево товарных групп
    sh.pr_AddIndex(IndQuery,1,'I_Rid','209.1.0');                 // Создаю индекс I_RID по полю '209.1.0' датасета 1
    sh.pr_AddIndex(IndQuery,1,'I_NAME','209.3.0');            // Создаю индекс I_NAME по полю '209.3.0' датасета 1 ( в примере не используется )

    sh.pr_SetIndexName(IndQuery,1,'I_Rid');                      // Назначаю датасету 1 индекс I_RID  Буду искать по риду
    if sh.pr_FindKey(IndQuery,1,28,NULL,NULL) = 1 then    //Позиционирование  на записи с ридом 28
       ShowMessage(sh.pr_ValByName(IndQuery,1,'209.3.0')+ ' '+ sh.pr_ValByName(IndQuery,1,'209.4.0'))
    else Showmessage('Not Found');

    if sh.pr_FindKey(IndQuery,1,30,NULL,NULL) = 1 then    //Позиционирование на запись с ридом 30
       ShowMessage(sh.pr_ValByName(IndQuery,1,'209.3.0')+ ' '+ sh.pr_ValByName(IndQuery,1,'209.4.0'))
    else Showmessage('Not Found');       


using functions like "pr_*" ?
Z.Y. I understand that those who have already figured it out have broken their heads more than once while working with this garbage and may not want to share knowledge.

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