Alexey2011-07-21 18:38:15
Alexey, 2011-07-21 18:38:15

Habra and comments...?

I’ve been on Habré recently ... I don’t quite understand why, besides the visual load, there are pluses and minuses in the comments?
No connection with karma. For example, it would be so that for every +10 in comments - +1 in karma and vice versa.
I read other questions here, it turns out that many who put a minus in a comment put it in karma, and if a plus, then karma is not very plus.

This is not a criticism of Habr, I'm just wondering why plus / minus in the comments?

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8 answer(s)
s0rr0w, 2011-07-21

To see people's reactions to a comment

sn4ke, 2011-07-21

And for example like this:
Help - karma and habrasila , there is also a rating called habrasila. Accordingly, the pros and cons affect this very rating.
* Although "The secrets of her calculation of the habraredaction were discovered by aliens from the constellation Andromeda"

Kindman, 2011-07-22

Pros/cons is a good feedback.
They are a great stimulus for creative thinking.
A large (growing) number of pluses encourages the author of a topic / comment to write MORE (praise effect) - that is, increase the amount of text.
The growth of minuses encourages the author to write CARE (boomerang effect) - thereby improving the quality of texts.
The absence of both pluses and minuses is an alarming indicator that something is wrong (calm effect), that is, either the trend is incorrectly captured or the content is not very interesting.

halo, 2011-07-21

Minus in karma is put concomitantly both minus and plus; both the comment and the topic.

AstaRoth, 2011-07-22

+ and - to comments - reflect the general attitude towards your point of view, as a rule, you can judge from them: whether or not Habr approves of your point of view.
But with karma it’s a little different: you can get a lot of pluses for a very good article, topic, review, etc., and a bunch of minuses is even simpler: it’s enough to enter into an argument with Apple fans, for example, or with VKontakte “revolutionaries”. So sometimes it is better to remain silent if you value karma.

Sergey, 2011-07-21

Ratings for comments and topics only affect the position in the overall rating .

Juggler, 2011-07-21

And ratings for comments in Q&A directly affect karma - 2+ -> +1 to karma.

Zames, 2011-07-29

To know the average temperature in the hospital.

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