bormor2017-12-12 12:32:06
bormor, 2017-12-12 12:32:06

Gulp - Can't run tasks sequentially. What could be wrong?

1. Make an assembly to the build folder
2. Copy some files from build to the specified folder.
When I run these tasks in turn manually - everything works

gulp build
gulp copy

When I try to run sequentially - copying is not performed.
const runSequence  = require("run-sequence");
gulp.task('default', function(cb) {
    return runSequence(

What could be the reason? What can help?

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1 answer(s)
Andrey Sanych, 2017-12-12

in the build and copy tasks, you must definitely do a return. It signals that the task is over (returns a Promise) and you can execute the next one synchronously
. In general, in all feng shui tasks, you need to do return

gulp.task('copy', function () {
    return gulp.src('src/**/*.*')

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