mUchenik2018-03-23 19:43:44
mUchenik, 2018-03-23 19:43:44

gulp cached? How to fix?

All good and positive!
Dear experts, how can I fix the following problem:
Opencart site engine on openserver
Installed node.js
Installed gulp
Decided to check^
created C:\OSPanel\domains\opencart.loc\catalog\view\theme\my_sk_theme\template\common\ copied header there .twig I
started gulp and decided to check its work: before I registered a unit, I looked, everything works. I decided to check once again I wrote "555" changes appeared, BUT after I returned everything to its original state in the header.twig file, "555" did not disappear anywhere, moreover, after deleting header.twig "555" disappear, BUT if i copy header.twig file from C:\OSPanel\domains\opencart.
I cleared the browser cache, restarting the entire computer does not help ...
What should I do? This is where the cache is hung up?
here is the current content of gulpfile.js

// Подключаем Gulp и все необходимые библиотеки
var gulp           = require('gulp'),
    gutil          = require('gulp-util' ),
    sass           = require('gulp-sass'),
    browserSync    = require('browser-sync'),
    cleanCSS       = require('gulp-clean-css'),
    autoprefixer   = require('gulp-autoprefixer'),
    bourbon        = require('node-bourbon'),
    ftp            = require('vinyl-ftp');

// Обновление страниц сайта на локальном сервере
gulp.task('browser-sync', function() {
    proxy: "opencart.loc",
    notify: false

// Компиляция stylesheet.css
gulp.task('sass', function() {
  return gulp.src('catalog/view/theme/my_sk_theme/stylesheet/stylesheet.sass')
      includePaths: bourbon.includePaths
    }).on('error', sass.logError))
    .pipe(autoprefixer(['last 15 versions']))
    .pipe(browserSync.reload({stream: true}))

// Наблюдение за файлами
gulp.task('watch', ['sass', 'browser-sync'], function() {
  gulp.watch('catalog/view/theme/my_sk_theme/stylesheet/stylesheet.sass', ['sass']);
  gulp.watch('catalog/view/theme/my_sk_theme/template/**/*.twig', browserSync.reload);
  gulp.watch('catalog/view/theme/my_sk_theme/js/**/*.js', browserSync.reload);
  gulp.watch('catalog/view/theme/my_sk_theme/libs/**/*', browserSync.reload);

// Выгрузка изменений на хостинг
gulp.task('deploy', function() {
  var conn = ftp.create({
    host:      'hostname.com',
    user:      'username',
    password:  'userpassword',
    parallel:  10,
    log: gutil.log
  var globs = [
  return gulp.src(globs, {buffer: false})

gulp.task('default', ['watch']);

When you try to prescribe something else, nothing happens, more precisely, there are no changes in the browser ...

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1 answer(s)
Serj-One, 2018-03-23

In OpenCart itself, it hung. Clear the cache and disable caching.

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