YakovSpb2019-10-30 15:53:51
YakovSpb, 2019-10-30 15:53:51

gulp build not starting after installing windows 10?

After installing Windows 10, the npm i command does not start
In the logs, this is what it says
How to fix it?

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2 answer(s)
SagePtr, 2019-10-30

It looks like your version of the sharp package included in one of the gulp plugins is mercilessly outdated and not compatible with the current nodejs, and therefore is not built: https://github.com/lovell/sharp/issues/1668
Try update a package that requires the sharp package.

YakovSpb, 2020-07-15

Hello. Try the following (if you're on Linux or Mac, do global installs with sudo superuser rights):
1. Delete the node_modules folder;
2. Run the command: "npm uninstall -g gulp";
3. Remove Nodejs from the system;
4. Install Nodejs again;
5. Run the following command in the project folder: "npm i -g gulp npm-check-updates";
6. Run the "ncu" command and if there are obsolete modules, update them with the "ncu -u" command;
7. Install the modules with the "npm i" command.

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