thehighhomie2017-11-15 20:09:33
Google Maps
thehighhomie, 2017-11-15 20:09:33

Google Maps JavaScript API: Data in different languages ​​in different browsers?

Why do I choose a place in chrome in the autocomplete tips, then when I request the data of this place, for example, the address, it gives out in Russian, as it was in the hint, but in the fox everything is in English and it doesn’t matter what language the hint was in the autocomplete ...
In which dig side?

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2 answer(s)
thehighhomie, 2017-11-16

In general, I figured it out, I just had to localize the map: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/j... I
just needed to add language=ru®ion=RU to the src of the included script

freeExec, 2017-11-15

In the direction of the browser settings, when it sends the desired languages ​​in the HTTP request:


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