x-comzbk2016-10-14 03:57:06
x-comzbk, 2016-10-14 03:57:06

Good site design, where to get layouts (free)?

Where can I get a good website design? (Layouts or cheap designer)
There is a site, I would like to design it! I'm not good at design!

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3 answer(s)
entermix, 2016-10-14

Where can I find PSD templates for layout training?
Where can I get ready-made psd and html templates?
Whole psd template?

Evgeny Elikov, 2016-10-17

First of all, don't be fooled:
good and cheap designs don't come in the same box.
A good design sells well and no one will give it away for free.
Cheap design can either be from lack of experience or lack of quality.
What is good about it then?
Free Western resources can be used, the quality is acceptable, BUT: any customization (selection of Russian fonts, logo replacement, navigation change, ..) will require no less effort / money than a good design.
Only very, very good friends can fix a car for free)

A person from Kazakhstan, 2016-10-14

on beloweb.ru there is and in general for this keyword HTML5 TEMPLATES a lot can be found in any search engine

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