Stas Korostelev2016-02-14 02:04:02
Stas Korostelev, 2016-02-14 02:04:02

Good night, how to create your own IDE?

I know C#, and I want to create my own IDE, something like develstudio.ru in general, so that I can make a GUI in PHP ... I want to do it with my own capabilities, pluses .... something that DevelStudio does not have.
But the question arose, in which direction to dig?

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3 answer(s)
VZVZ, 2016-02-14

> in general, so that you can make a GUI in PHP
You can write a lot about this. It's just simple enough.
1. We write our own framework in PHP with tools for the GUI, etc., just so that we can write a script that, say, opens a window, copies a file, etc., if it is run using php.exe
Basically, for PHP already has a lot of tools, it remains only to write convenient wrappers for them, i.e. actual framework.
2. We write a packer for this case in exe: the script is packed together with php.exe, or something like that.
3. We write an IDE with WYSIWYG and other features, in order to make it more convenient to write code for this framework.
Actually, everything.
> with its capabilities, pluses to do.
Yeah, I can already imagine what these pluses will turn out, with your "in general", with your commas without spaces, or even grossly missing commas ...
"You don't know your native language, how do you learn a programming language?" (c) I
do whatever you want, but we don’t need such pluses anymore:
Devel Studio is a complete UG, so you need to do not "something like Devel Studio", but rather something like Visual Studio. But, firstly, VS also needs to be copied not entirely and completely, but only successful solutions from it, and some other solutions should be taken from other products that first need to be mastered at a special level. Secondly, in order to take successful solutions even from the same VS, you still need to compare it with at least something,
For most of the unique solutions remain unplagiarized, not because of the patent, but because the noobs simply do not realize all their uniqueness and do not even try to imitate. Here stupid people do not even understand that if in Windows the "OK - Cancel" buttons are everywhere in this order, then you need to do "OK - Cancel", and not "Cancel - OK" or somehow through your ass .
I speak as a reverse engineer - a specialist in industrial espionage.
Well, okay, it's all flowers.
You think about the main thing: how do you make a semblance of what is called IntelliSense in VS?
Well, there are tooltips, or let's say that the brackets are highlighted: you move the cursor to the closing bracket - a smart algorithm looks for the opening one and highlights it, or vice versa.
That's interesting
Looking for ready made solutions? Or do you think that you need to write your own code parsing algorithm? Have you tried to write such an algorithm for at least some JSON or something else primitive?
Or will you not agree with me that this is the basis of any IDE, and without WYSIWYG it is still possible to do something worthwhile (example: JetBrains), but without smart code parsing - nothing at all, and even VS would not be VS without it?
> I know C#
Sorry, which C#, when PHP?
Have you seen at least one successful IDE that was written in the wrong language, the wrong framework for which it was intended?
Here's something I don't remember. By the way, even the author of Devel Studio seems to have understood this.
And yet, why PHP?
What's good about it?
I would also think about what to choose - PHP, or NodeJS (JS will have a more convenient syntax), or maybe Ruby, or maybe finally write something normal for Python, or maybe something else.
I would experiment a lot. And not that - from the bulldozer: my new IDE will have PHP, period.
IN SHORT, the conclusion is this:
- if you need goodies in the form of libraries - take a normal platform (such as .NET) and write your own goodies in the form of libraries for it;
- if you need goodies in the form of IDE features - take a normal IDE (such as VS) and write your plugins for it (by creating plugins, you will also study other people's IDEs from the inside);
This can and will be used by someone. Although, voooooooobshchem, also unlikely.
And your fundamentally new IDE, which you write yourself, without a team of specialists and without taking into account all the above comments, 99, (9)% no one will seriously use it.
You still need to somehow understand that the larger, larger and more responsible the project, the more skills you need. And to be aware of your skills in accordance with real achievements - i.e. Do not overestimate or underestimate your heart rate.
PS Well, or I m *** k. Sorry if offended. I'm just sharing my experience.

Vladimir Martyanov, 2016-02-14

Dig towards the practice of programming in the amount of five years that way. Then there will be no such ideas, and most importantly, you will be able to implement them.

Fedor Lapshin, 2019-02-12

You have a good idea, and you can implement anything and everything, the main thing is to have a desire and an idea!
Tip: It's better to write either in C# or C++, PHP won't help here, except maybe NodeJS Electron(JS,HTML,CSS) for GUI.
Well, if all the same PHP, then I warn you: 1- CPU and RAM from the IDE on php will not be good; 2. you will have to make your own framework for the GUI ...
If anything, I warned you.
So Stas Korostelev, go for it!

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