Alexander2022-01-31 18:39:28
Alexander, 2022-01-31 18:39:28

Good anti-phishing material?

Good afternoon!
Situation: the company is carrying out preventive work to train employees in basic "network hygiene".
Needed: Good material for non-programmers about phishing.
The main thing is not to load unnecessary information and that it be written as intelligibly as possible.
Ideally, they should give examples of letters, how this phishing works and what to do and what not to do.

I myself have read a lot of this, but I have always been interested in the intricacies of implementation, and here we need exactly a "manual for dummies".
I can write something like that myself, but why waste time if, for sure, there is already much better written.

Thank you!

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2 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2022-01-31

Organize a phishing attack on your own company (in agreement with the management and not one for greater efficiency. You can hire more experienced people). After some time, look at who ended up falling for it all. And tell us that such and such actions could lead to such and such a result. This is how you can't do it. An employee, thinking that it was because of him that the company suffered hundreds of thousands of losses, will remember for the rest of his life.
Well, at the end, you can make a simple presentation for everyone. Whoever didn’t get caught is well done and it’s just for prevention, and the one who bought it has already learned everything.
This is if you are aiming for a real, long-term result.
Expensive, but effective (well, fun, what to hide :).

Dimonchik, 2022-02-01

of course, not from trojans, but that's up to the admin

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