govncoder31002022-03-26 17:07:19
govncoder3100, 2022-03-26 17:07:19

Get web page traffic through web driver?

how can i get all the traffic when loading a web page through webdriver?
By traffic, I mean the network. In the browser in the developer panel there is a network tab, so I would get all the data from there through the webdriver, that is, through selenium (see the figure below).

When going to a web page (from which I need to remove data), the data is loaded through the incoming json, then loaded as the slider scrolls. All this can be tracked in the developer panel in the browser.
The problem is that just when I go to the web page, I can’t get this very json, I can only track it through the browser developer panel manually. And through the py script, it turns out to catch only subsequent data (when scrolling the slider on the site), and for some reason the first json does not work.

I tried through the seleniumwire library, then through DesiredCapabilities, then through the execution of a js script, as a result I get data from the network, but not all.

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