Igor Sokolov2016-08-13 12:13:42
Server equipment
Igor Sokolov, 2016-08-13 12:13:42

Game server. What can you charge users for?

I heard here that people have servers, let's say with minecraft and they get paid. Please explain why? Is anyone involved in this activity? How is this relevant?

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4 answer(s)
azShoo, 2016-08-13

There are quite a few options, actually.
Starting from the simplest - this is done by for fan enthusiasts.
Then you can wind up advertising, donate, paid accounts, cryptocurrency mining on the user's computers due to worms in the installer, whatever.
The only question is how to get users to play on your server, and what to do to keep them.
There are much more problems in this than in how to monetize this business.

xmoonlight, 2016-08-13

What can you charge users for?
1. Conducting tournaments
2. Trade in game items (or their sets)
3. Sale of additional items. features: tips, transfer / exchange of items in the game, etc.
4. Creation of clan pages
5. Periodic subscription: access to the gaming community, the ability to participate in tournaments, access to closed sections of the site / forum for players
6. Artificial delay in passage time: "Damage", "Fatigue", "Wear" items) - to "repair instantly" or "rest instantly" - you can also charge a fee.

Alexander Movchan, 2016-08-13

Donat, advertising.

Vlad Odies, 2016-09-15

I have my own server. Profits take place in game servers. Example of my server Privilege
Fly 1$
VIP 2.5$
Vip+ 5$
MVP 10$
Mvp+ 20$
Super 35$
Sponsor 50$
Lord 85$
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