un1t2017-06-15 17:12:42
Electronic accounting
un1t, 2017-06-15 17:12:42

FZ-54 online cash register - how to take into account partial surcharges / refunds and bonus points?

We have an online store. In connection with connecting an online cash register, many questions arise.
For example, how to account for partial refunds and partial surcharges.?
How to count bonus points? (It seems that only the money received from the user should be taken into account in the check. And if he paid part of it with bonuses, then what to do. Divide the account in the personal account into bonus and cash?) How
long does it take to beat the receipt check and the return check?
Who can advise on this? Who is this for anyway? To accountants or lawyers? Surely not everyone knows about it, where can I find those who know?

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3 answer(s)
BBmike, 2017-06-15

This is for accountants and bombard with requests from the Federal Tax Service. let them answer.

d-stream, 2017-06-15

FFD 1.05 and 1.1
1. Attribute "Attribute of the calculation method" (tag 1214) - 7 options (prepayments-advance payments-credits) and among them the final No. 4
2. "Name of the subject of calculation" (tag 1030) - 12 options
3. Set fiscal type of payments as "advance credit"
In the same place in clause 3, you can set the types of payments such as candy wrappers, bonuses, etc. but I would rule it out and put only prices and amounts in the check "taking into account all discounts and markups" (c) instruction of the Federal Tax Service

Vladimir Belov, 2017-06-18

There is such a document - Guidelines for the description of cash receipts, from the Federal Tax Service

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