Olga2020-01-07 03:24:08
Olga, 2020-01-07 03:24:08

Freelance, is there a way to use Paypal/Payoneer in Crimea or just WebMoney?

Happy holidays everyone!
Please tell me, is there a way to use Paypal/Payoneer in Crimea or just WebMoney?
If not, can you please suggest a way (if any) to accept payments from customers abroad?

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4 answer(s)
Vladimir Korotenko, 2020-01-07

Buy a VPN in Krasnodar. Issue a Sberbank or Tenkov card there.

vism, 2020-01-08

I read the comments
Move to the Krasnodar Territory. the benefit of Crimea is nearby. They made a fire on the road, even if you drive every weekend.
If to Krasnodar, the road will take longer.

antonwx, 2020-01-07


Puma Thailand, 2020-01-07

Yes, everyone can use the main thing is not to advertise your place of residence

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