Igor Samokhin2013-04-03 14:20:09
Igor Samokhin, 2013-04-03 14:20:09

Free-lance.ru. How will arbitration behave?

I work for www.free-lance.ru . Concluded SBR with the customer. T. h. was very general. After that, we began to work doing "on the fly". All correspondence on the project was via Skype. Many items t.z. turned into very painstaking things. As a result, the customer does not want to increase the term, the readiness of the order is approximately 80%.
I want to ask for advice - is it worth contacting freelance arbitration and hoping for their adequacy? After all, most likely they will say - that's so. which is in the SBR - you had to adhere to it. As a result, the arbitration will award me pennies (or will not award anything at all - they will say - the work is not ready on time), and the customer will receive an almost finished work. And I don't want him to get anything under those circumstances.
What do you advise?

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3 answer(s)
Freelanceru, 2013-04-03

Good afternoon, Igor!
It is enough for you to complete qualitatively and in full what is indicated in the Terms of Reference, which was approved by the parties as part of a Safe Deal on the site.
If the agreed amount of work is provided, the Arbitration will decide on the payment of the fee to the Contractor.

Sergey Ozeransky, 2013-04-03

Your mistake was to accept such a TK, in fact, the customer will also be right in the proceedings. Try to negotiate with the customer without third parties. In case of disagreement, hand over the volume that was specified in the TOR.

Freelanceru, 2013-04-03


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