svd712014-10-30 23:42:06
svd71, 2014-10-30 23:42:06

Forwarding a physical COM port between a host and a virtual machine with a decrease in speed?

There is an analytical program for working with data transmitted from one piece of iron via a com port. In general, a piece of iron has failed for several years of use. Got a new one. But there were interesting rakes.
The program is written under Windows and it has a hardcoded speed of 9600. The new piece of hardware again produces 115200 without setting.
I want to try to implement some virtual serial ports for forwarding, but I don’t know how.
My work laptop is running Ubuntu. A piece of iron is connected to it. Ubuntu starts a virtual machine with win7 on which the analytical program is already running.
Does anyone know how to set up something like this?

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3 answer(s)
jcmvbkbc, 2014-10-31

The program is written under Windows and it has a hardcoded speed of 9600. The new piece of hardware again gives out 115200 without setting.

The easiest way is to either reconfigure (or reconfigure each time) the hardware, or hack the program.

Vitaly, 2014-10-31

Go to the properties of the COM port in the device manager and change its speed to the one you need.

Valentine, 2014-11-01

So, in order.
1) just like usb, you just pass through the com port. In this case, it is better not to change any settings - this way you will save all the standard data
2) the com-port is simple, especially for linux. it is possible in a couple of hours, without knowing anything, to throw a script even on the same python, which will read and write there at the desired speed, flow control, parity ...
3) very often you can connect to a piece of hardware through the same minicom directly, without third-party software, and set its initial settings there. Must read instructions

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