Fedor Fedor2021-08-29 19:30:36
Fedor Fedor, 2021-08-29 19:30:36

Forced to think about upgrading an old Windows XP PC. Hangs. Internet crashes frequently. How to do it optimally?

Thank you very much for your great advice. As best I could, I took them into account, vacuumed the computer, checked the temperatures ( https://pastenow.ru/F3TN3 photo attached), changed the thermal paste (under the cooler there was a cracked dry film ( https://pastenow.ru/F3TIQ photo attached), which , I think, did not transfer heat from the processor to the radiator at all, I wiped it off with difficulty.Proc
under the cooler: Intel_Core_2_Duo_86 E8600_3.16GHz_6M_1333.Following your advice, I ordered an inexpensive "Xeon E5450" processor on Ali for replacement.I

thought about ordering another SSD on Ali 250 GB, but did not dare: I could not choose.
I found the connectors on the motherboard - they seem to be SATA ( https://pastenow.ru/F3TQTattaching photo). But on Ali, among different brands (KingSpec, Kingchuxing, KingDian, Xraydisk, Goldenfir, Adata, SanDisk ... and another 500 thousand), some are much more expensive than others with the same capacity.

What low cost SATA SSD brand would you recommend?

I hope that by replacing the Intel_Core_2_Duo_86 E8600_3.16GHz_6M_1333 processor with a "Xeon E5450" and
installing an SSD, I can install Win 7 or Win 10 instead of Win XP, and my computer. it will stop hanging, crashing from the Internet, crashing into a blue screen ( https://pastenow.ru/F3TNX photo is attached)

I now have an old 9600GT PCI-E 1024MB DDR2 video card on my motherboard ( https://pastenow.ru/F3TT2) . Does she need to be changed? Or will "Xeon E5450" work well with this card as well? If you change, then FOR WHAT, so that it fits? There are also connectors on the motherboard: https://pastenow.ru/F3U1O

(Old Win XP PC slows down, freezes, the Internet often crashes, regularly crashes into a BLUE screen.
Is it possible to make a reasonable upgrade? I don’t understand anything about hardware compatibility, in video cards etc..
P5K WS motherboard Now installed RAM 2GB x 4pcs = 8 GB ( https://pastenow.ru/F3TVU https://pastenow.ru/F3TWK )

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8 answer(s)
Viktor, 2021-08-29

Does it make sense to upgrade such a PC? What is the best way to upgrade?
The computer is quite acceptable (in the hospital where I work, many computers are much weaker, and nothing, they work). But an upgrade is certainly desirable. First of all, it concerns memory. Now you have 8 GB, which is acceptable for average applications, but memory is such a thing that the more it is, the better. In your case, the only way to expand is to replace the modules with 4-gig ones. DDR2 modules with a capacity of 4 GB are very rare, but I found them on Ali (although for the most part for AMD processors, it cannot be ruled out that there are also universal ones for INTEL / AMD). Optionally, you can upgrade and percent - instead of Core2 Duo in the same place, on Ali, look for a replacement for Core 2 Quad, if you find a LGA775 socket.
one). Why does the PC freeze and crash from the Internet, crashes into a BLUE screen?
WinXP has long ceased to be compatible with both modern software and hardware, and with the modern Internet, hence the BSODs. In principle, if you limit yourself to local software of the same times as XP (that is, very old versions of programs) and do not surf the Internet, then you can still live with such a computer. But where without the Internet, then? And a "sweet couple" works there, recursively urging each other on - the growth of the complexity of sites and the growth of hardware power (and old OSes do not have drivers for new hardware, and never will). Old browsers will not be able to open new sites, old antiviruses will not be able to protect against anything modern, and new ones on a computer with XP simply will not start. So on WinXP - only locally. If you are really going to work only in Word and Excel, then Office 2007 will be just right for you.
2). Is it possible to install Win-10 instead of my Win XP after the upgrade? Or such a PC will no longer pull Win10?
Well, why - it will pull perfectly. In my environment, there are many computers even with a weaker processor, and they work with Win10, are updated, and if you don’t open many bookmarks in the browser (limited to three or four), they don’t even really slow down. As for the drivers, under the system hardware, the "dozens" usually have drivers. But under the external (printers, scanners, etc., if they are also from the times of WinXP) - yes, problems are possible here.

VT100, 2021-08-29

If mainly surfing and tables - then, KMK:

  • Revision of cooling "in a circle". Pre-measure the temperatures of the CPU and GPU, then measure again.
  • PSU revision for output voltage levels.
  • Revision of the motherboard and PSU for "swelling" of the "barrel" capacitors.

Then you can decide.

lonelymyp, 2021-08-29

There can be many reasons for crashing into a blue screen on an old PC.
To begin with, put a program that shows the temperature and check what it shows during operation. It often happens that the PC inside is covered with a fur coat of dust and simply overheats.
Then you can try to start testing all the components in turn, check the memory with a memtest, check the video card with a donut, check the stability of the processor under load.
Checking a hard drive can be dangerous, because of the load during the check, it can completely die, you must first copy the necessary files to an external drive, and then you can start testing the hard drive.
Just as carefully, you need to check the power supply and video card, because. from the load, they, too, can finally die.
If the problem is found and fixed, you can consider an upgrade.
First of all, put an SSD drive there, at least 256 gigs for the system.
Then you can think about replacing the processor, with a Core 2 Quad for example or just a xeon, the asus website has a page with supported processors for the P5K WS, so look for something from that list on Avito or from the Chinese. Sometimes for 500 rubles you can take a processor 2 times more powerful.

Vitaliy K, 2021-08-30

Try to determine the cause of blue screens.
Theoretically, under XP should work.

prokop_v, 2021-08-30

if you leave the motherboard, then you need to look for the maximum processor for it (most likely it is not so expensive) and score with RAM to the maximum. for any update vyndovs to 7 or 10. and aim to put the ssd drive under the system. with a video card - look at the need.
ps vyndovs 10 will pull. And Windows 7 too. already now.

Dmitry Roo, 2021-08-29

The upgrade won't work.
Buy everything new.
Hard drives can be left, but it is better to purchase an ssd as well

Fedor Fedor, 2021-08-29

Thank you.
And I was hoping that this PC could still be given Win-10 and a second life :)). At least not for long.
Why did he suddenly begin to frequently fly out of the Internet, fly into the BLUE screen? What can at least help him so that he does not fly out of the Internet and does not fly into the BLUE screen?

radioactivetoy, 2021-08-30

The computer is quite acceptable.
For what you are describing, it will be enough, but it will be worth it.
If it is preferable to leave, then as written above - install Windows 7, this OS will be ideal for it.
Well, go through the main points, as you also already wrote, check the temperature, etc. etc.

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