mypallmall2015-10-25 20:05:34
Search Engine Optimization
mypallmall, 2015-10-25 20:05:34

For SEO, does text written with articles and facts matter?

Good evening!
The question is this: for site promotion, does it matter whether the text is written in the form of an article with paragraphs, paragraphs, etc.? or in the form of facts, for example:
1. Fact one
2. Fact two
Each fact has 1-3 lines.
Thanks for the substantive answers.

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2 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2015-10-25

but there is an opinion that lists and bold somehow help,
help, unless Google considers this an attempt to manipulate

Viverov, 2015-10-26

Depends on the topic, if the target audience in your topic likes watery texts, then you need to write watery ones. If he likes clearly structured, then structured.
The main quality criterion for the PS, the algorithm is something like this - an information need was born in a person’s head, the information need was expressed in the form of a keyword, the keyword was entered into the PS, the PS issued a pool of pages relevant to the key. A person clicks on the first page and reads articles there (the session duration factor is minimal, look at what information the bars and browsers give in the PS, it would be very stupid to be tied to the time with such data. The session time factor exists, but its specific gravity as a result of the formula, minimal), and if, after reading the article on the site, he returned to the search and clicked on another site, then this indicates that the first infa was not useful.
The easiest way to check the satisfaction of your target audience with a type of content is to look at the webmaster's email behavioral by article. Just put an experiment on the same article. We wrote it first with water, waited until 500-1000 people came, measured the indicators. We rewrote the same article, structurally using the same url and waiting for 500-1000 people. Compare the numbers and understand that in this particular niche, for this particular audience, this type of content is important

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