Valery2015-10-19 18:19:02
Valery, 2015-10-19 18:19:02

First app, where to start?

Good day. I will put the question this way - there is a person, "a complete piece of wood", he does not know anything about algorithms, oops, etc. But he has a clear task, in a month to make a simple client-server application, similar to an electronic price list with search and table editing. What language / technology to go into, given that there is simply no time to read thick books.

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2 answer(s)
Dmitry Kovalsky, 2015-10-19

I would start with a psychologist. And then smoothly moved to a psychiatrist. The person clearly has obsessions. And the language?! ASP.NET WebForms allows programming with the mouse to some extent.

Ivan, 2015-10-19

Judging by the question clearly VB. If you need a database in a month, then why reinvent the wheel?! Microsoft Accsess + VBA (the same BASIC in fact). Although it may turn out that Accsess itself is enough.

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