Extramezz2017-02-03 14:42:47
Extramezz, 2017-02-03 14:42:47

Firefox timings, what is "Locked"?

I observe in the timings (firefox developer tools) this picture. What does "Blocked" mean? And what could be the reasons for this?

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2 answer(s)
nirvimel, 2017-02-03

At the moment, the network is busy (the maximum number of simultaneously valid requests is being executed), the request is queued for execution.
The number of simultaneously allowed requests is affected by these settings in the configuration:

  • network.http.max-connections;
  • network.http.pipelining.maxrequests;
  • network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-proxy;
  • network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server;
  • network.http.pipelining.max-optimistic-requests;

Ilya Gerasimov, 2017-09-06

I think we need a clean document here and it's easier to do it with a regular expression, something like this:

$html = request....body;

preg_match("/html5player\.setVideoTitle\('(?<value>\w+?)\'\)/", $html, $matches);


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