BonBon Slick2021-07-17 23:09:53
BonBon Slick, 2021-07-17 23:09:53

Feature visualization auto-generation?

Once upon a time I tried different packages, but in practice I didn’t use them much, now I’m looking again and I want to try, see alternatives.
The bottom line is, when someone from the team makes a pull request, so that the one who did the review could open the file, a link to anything where the relationship of which classes to which, what structure and hierarchy, how strong the dependence and close connection will be described.
In fact, it is a static analyzer.

Of course, you can sketch in draw io or on a leaf +-

Who uses this approach? Does it help? What packages do you use for this?

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1 answer(s)
Ivan Shumov, 2021-07-17

Strong dependence and close connection is an abstract concept and no machine will count it. And there are static analyzers, and plenty of them. For example, this is included in the paralysis package found in SonarQube, which is the industry standard.

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