bigdogsru2011-03-01 13:56:01
bigdogsru, 2011-03-01 13:56:01

Facebook - fb:comments for different pages?

After killing half a day trying to get through the confusing Facebook documentation, I still ask the audience for help ...
Among the social plugins, Facebook offers Comments . To embed this plugin, it is necessary to register the site as an application on Facebook, and an identifier is issued. And the comments are displayed according to this id. I didn’t find any options for splitting comments across pages…
The question is, is there really no such option, or have I missed something? After all, it’s stupid to register a separate application for each page of the site…

Answer the question

In order to leave comments, you need to log in

1 answer(s)
Ivan, 2011-03-01

There is such a field as Unique ID, the description of which says: An id associated with the comments object (defaults to URL-encoded page URL)

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