Leonid Kuznetsov2014-11-09 22:03:57
Leonid Kuznetsov, 2014-11-09 22:03:57

Extract for Brackets Doesn't it work correctly for everyone?

Extract for Brackets Doesn't it work correctly for everyone?
I load the psd layout and stupidly the layers are not displayed, but the choice goes? what the heck is that?
Before that everything was ok. Now it's just rubbish. They are impossible to use.
But on the site itself everything is ok. You go to load the psd layout and everything is displayed perfectly. Unsubscribe pliz who has the same problem. Mb help something.
Checked on 4 computers all the same problem

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5 answer(s)
Happy_Holidays, 2014-11-11

You need to go to the cache folder:
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Brackets/cef_data
Win XP: C:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Brackets\cef_data -- (aka %appdata%\Brackets\cef_data)
Win Vista /7/8: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Brackets\cef_data -- (aka %appdata%\Brackets\cef_data)
Linux: ~/.config/brackets/cef_data -- (aka $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/brackets/ cef_data)
Delete the brackets.json and state.json files there, then enable brackets, and extract will appear as if you installed it the first time :)

Alexander Gukov, 2014-11-10

same crap! But it completely stopped working for me. You press the Extract button and it doesn't load at all

Timofey Belousov, 2014-11-10

At first I had such a problem, but after switching off and on the layers, they started to show, but soon this plugin stopped working at all...

Dastan Turysbekov, 2014-11-10

Yes, I also do not boot. But it worked fine

demisrous, 2016-10-28

As an option: remove Russian letters in the file name. I have earned.

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