Bogdan2018-08-28 13:22:19
Bogdan, 2018-08-28 13:22:19

Exclude taxonomy value output Uncategorized?

Hello, but do not tell me, I brought out a list of taxonomy values, how to clean up what would not be displayed Without a heading?

$taxonomy_name = 'category';
$args = array(
  'taxonomy'      => $taxonomy_name, 
  'orderby'       => 'id', 
  'order'         => 'ASC',
  'hide_empty'    => false, 

$term_query = new WP_Term_Query( $args );

foreach( $term_query->terms as $term ){ 
    <a href="<?php echo $term->slug; ?>">
      <span><?php echo $term->name?></span>

Here is what it outputs now

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1 answer(s)
Sergey, 2018-08-28

Try adding where "1" is the category ID "Uncategorized" 'exclude' => 1

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