Duzive2019-10-14 19:36:03
Duzive, 2019-10-14 19:36:03

Error when uploading a video to the VKontakte server by a bot, how to fix it?

Outputs arguments not found.
What to do? I'm working with long pull, I want to upload an image before displaying it to the user.

def day_one():
    a = vk.method("photos.getMessagesUploadServer")
    b = arguments.post(a ['upload_url'], files = {'video': open ('IMG_3480.mov', 'rb')}).json()
    c = vk.method ('photos.saveMessagesPhoto', {'video': b ['video'], 'server': b ['server'], 'hash': b ['hash']}) [0]
    vk.method ("messages.send", {"peer_id": event.obj.peer_id, "message": "Упражнение к первому дню.\n\nЗдесь должно быть описание", "attachment": f'photo {c ["owner_id"]} _ {c ["id"]} ' })

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1 answer(s)
Erik Mikoyan, 2019-10-20

Perhaps you meant requests.post and not arguments.post???
(Or, if you passed requests to the arguments variable, then pass the variable to the function)

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