Liafar2014-01-12 21:28:42
Liafar, 2014-01-12 21:28:42

Entity Framework Database First relationship n:m?

Good evening.
I have a database in which there are the following tables
PlayersAndGames (only 2 fields IdGame and IdPlayer)
i.e. implementation of the n:m relationship between the Players Games entities
When creating an .edmx model from the database, I "lose" the PlayersAndGames table and get 2 navigation properties in the Player and Game model classes (respectively, Playes in the Game class and Games in the Players class).
Judging by what I found on this subject, this is how it should be if the intermediate table has only 2 fields.
I am using client application on asp.net mvc to work with db. Data output is carried out without problems. But when I try to change the data, I get an error: "...DefiningQuery and no element exists in the element...". As far as I understand, this error is due to the lack of a primary key in the PlayersAndGames table. But adding it to the database, I get a completely different .edmx data model, where instead of 2 tables I have 3. And as far as I understand, this is not very good in my case.
The question is how to proceed in this case?

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1 answer(s)
Nikolai Turnaviotov, 2014-01-13

Look at the Fluent API, you can describe one-to-many relationships there

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