Dastan4352019-04-09 15:40:24
Dastan435, 2019-04-09 15:40:24

Emmet does not work with sublime text 3. What should I do?

I tried to search in Google, nothing helped. When I press tab it goes like a space, I don’t know what to do, I tried almost everything and with the browse packpage tab some garbage when I went there to delete and download emmet again (which by the way did not help) and with settings-user and key bindings-user themselves have nothing. HELP

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2 answer(s)
A person from Kazakhstan, 2019-04-09

You don’t need to download anything there
. Just copy the code from the package control and paste it into the console in st and that’s it

siarheisiarhei, 2019-04-12

when you turn on the editor, open the console in the console, everything should be .... what's wrong ..