Vlad2018-02-05 01:21:14
Email Marketing
Vlad, 2018-02-05 01:21:14

Email campaigns on Amazon server?

Please share your experience of sending emails with https://aws.amazon.com/ru/ses/ "Amazon Simple Email Service".
I can’t figure it out on their website .. what is the cost?
What is the point? They just give a server, like a regular hosting, where you can put the mailing script and that's it?
They say that a lot of spammers use these servers? This is true?
Does this mean that many Amazon servers are on spam lists?

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1 answer(s)
InoMono, 2018-02-05

You write about some old technology.
It has long been filtered not only by the server address.
You can send spam from a white server to a group of mail.ru addresses and the number of letters will not exceed a hundred, and you will already catch a block

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