hbuser2016-01-27 15:05:30
Search Engine Optimization
hbuser, 2016-01-27 15:05:30

Effective landing and what is SEO in relation to landing?

First, about what I understand. Landing is not for organic issuance.
Landing - for contextual advertising. What's not clear.
How to promote a landing page to get customers as quickly as possible?
In my version, as the main part, the landing page has a unique selling proposition, motivating blocks, informational and capture form. As far as I understand, now you need to set up contextual advertising. Setting refers to the selection of keywords for which contextual advertising is issued. Apparently, this is the very semantic core of the site. Correct me if I'm confusing something. So, the main service is the production of furniture (for example). What is the exact procedure for defining this semantic core for a landing page (not a theoretical drawing of the process in all details, but a practical "quick start")? This is the first question. And the second. Internal optimization, i.e. page content optimization is needed to a greater extent for full-fledged multi-page sites with an eye on the top positions in organic issuance. Is there any correlation between the semantic core and the content of the landing page? Should some keywords be included on the page to some extent or the scheme is rather "stupid": contextual advertising simply refers to the landing (by slipping it into popular queries - this is why you should get confused with the semantic core), and the task of the landing is to grab the client for me ... hand and motivate to buy?

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1 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2016-01-27

First. Who said that landing is not for organics as a principle? You can start a landing page in SEO if the landing page is permanent, and not for a week for one promotion. And by the way, sometimes SEO results for landing pages are much higher than for multi-page ones, because there is little garbage. Well, it is, by the way. If you decide not to move your SEO Landing, but limit yourself only to the context, then you don’t need to do any keyword optimization and you are right - the user came by the context, and the task of the landing is to take for me ... and keep (as the first stage, as rule to take a lead, especially if it is not a trade in a Chinese copy of a Vietnamese watch).
Second. The presence of search engine optimization is not required, but a semantic connection with your ads in the context is required. If the user came to "Cheap custom-made furniture" and the first thing he saw was "Luxury sofas" - you lost money. That is, before the fold, the user should see confirmation of which key he came from.
Third. Yes, you are right - keywords are the semantic core. On the topic "how to assemble in practice", in principle, a lot of material on the internet, it's enough to google it. The general principle is simple - go to wordstats, seopult or somewhere else and start collecting keys. You come up with several key phrases for the client and deploy them in the tool. For example, "Buy furniture" look at what is unfolding and pay special attention to UNSUITABLE requests (well, for example, buy furniture for a Barbie doll, I will accept furniture as a gift, photos, videos, essays, do-it-yourself and other non-targeted traffic). Prepare all this neatly in minus words. Open some excel and for each category (well, for a landing it's not very important, there is usually 1 category, but nevertheless) collect expandable keywords. Try to cut off the high frequencies expand them deep. It is hardly advisable to spend money on the request "buy furniture". Focus on the niche. Well, in parallel replenish the backing track. The more negative keywords you collect, the more money you save.
That's actually all. The more cheap low-frequency and stop words you collect, the more effective and cheaper advertising will be. Be sure to work on related areas. For example, for the sale of furniture, I immediately see in the direction of "renovation of the apartment", "moving" and the like.
Landing conversion depends not only on the landing itself, but also on the correspondence of the content to the fold on the landing with the ad texts and key queries.
In short, something like this -))

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