Kaizaki2017-10-17 15:50:33
Kaizaki, 2017-10-17 15:50:33

Dynamic or fixed hard disk for Ubuntu Server?

I install to raise the game server (Call of Duty 4 MW1), just combine business with pleasure. So, I'm wondering what type of data storage to choose in VirtualBox. And, if anyone fumbles, then for what cases, which type to choose?
PS really interesting

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2 answer(s)
Saboteur, 2017-10-17

Fixed - means that the space for the image file will be allocated immediately, and then it will not increase.
Dynamic - means that the space for the image file will be allocated as it fills up, so you can immediately specify a much larger disk size, but a small file will be immediately created on the hard drive, which will gradually grow.
If you know exactly how much space you need - take a fixed one. If you do not know - take a place with a margin and indicate dynamic.
The difference in performance for this server should not matter much - disk activity here should not be high, so you can ignore

Alexey Savinov, 2017-10-17

Choose dynamic.
The size of the image file will grow gradually as the Virtualka disk fills up.

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