Skoleev2021-08-18 16:42:09
Skoleev, 2021-08-18 16:42:09

During tests bootstrap Spring Security and require userService, how to turn off Spring security in tests or get around this problem?

I have a simple test, as we can see, excludeAutoConfiguration and addfilters have already been added (but there is no difference). If I don't mock the UserService bean, I get this error.
Parameter 0 of constructor in com..restaurant.security.SecurityConfig required a bean of type 'com..restaurant.security.UserService' that could not be found.

@WebMvcTest(value = UserRestaurantController.class, excludeAutoConfiguration = SecurityAutoConfiguration.class)
@AutoConfigureMockMvc(addFilters = false)
class UserRestaurantControllerTest {

    MockMvc mockMvc;
    ObjectMapper mapper;

    @MockBean // Если тут не будет mockbean, то выдаст ошибку выше
    RestaurantService restaurantService;

    RestaurantResponseDTO restaurantDominos = new RestaurantResponseDTO(1, "Dominos Pizza", "Басейна, 17", 3);
    RestaurantResponseDTO restaurantMamamia = new RestaurantResponseDTO(2, "Mamamia", "проспект Победы, 9Б", 14);
    RestaurantResponseDTO restaurantAndriano = new RestaurantResponseDTO(3, "Adriano's pizza", "Глибочицкая, 33/37", 2);

     void shouldFind3Restaurants_whenGet() throws Exception {
        List<RestaurantResponseDTO> restaurantsResponse = new ArrayList(Arrays.asList(
                restaurantDominos, restaurantMamamia, restaurantAndriano));


                .andExpect(jsonPath("$", hasSize(3)))
                .andExpect(jsonPath("$[2].name", is("Adriano's pizza")));

Here is my ISP

    public DaoAuthenticationProvider daoAuthenticationProvider() {
        DaoAuthenticationProvider daoProvider = new DaoAuthenticationProvider();
        daoProvider.setUserDetailsService(userService); // Вот и бин, который ему нужен
        return daoProvider;

I don't even know what to do anymore.

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