foxijke2017-12-19 00:44:54
foxijke, 2017-12-19 00:44:54

Drupal 8, material theming, how to do it right?

Can someone tell me how to display the material correctly, there is a picture field, so I just need to display it,
what will be according to the layout

<div class='block'>
  <img class='block__img' src='....'>
<div class='block'>
  <img class='block__img' src='....'>

how to do it so that there is no crazy nesting of tags like Drupal does?
that's what drupal gives me, I understand that logically this is correct, but it's impossible to do something like yours wrote?
<div class="views-element-container" id="block-views-block-bannernye-bloki-block-1">
    <div class="js-view-dom-id-0ca3329e3de4f021b595ac442ecc1d52d0130ada223659ca167da404ea92905b">
      <div class="b-right-banner views-row">
        <div class="views-field views-field-field-kartinka-1">
          <div class="field-content">
            <img src="/sites/default/files/2017-12/right-banner_2.png" width="292" height="261" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image">
      <div class="b-right-banner views-row">
        <div class="views-field views-field-field-kartinka-1">
          <div class="field-content">
            <img src="/sites/default/files/2017-12/right-banner_1.png" width="292" height="261" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image">

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1 answer(s)
afi13, 2017-12-19

The HTML in your example is the output of several Views templates.
I recommend enabling Twig debug and Drupal will tell you in HTML comments what templates you need to create or fix:
https://sqndr.github. io/d8-theming-guide/twig/twig...

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