CraSS2013-07-12 23:35:23
CraSS, 2013-07-12 23:35:23

Domain won't open with www?

Good day to all!
Finally moved my site to vps. And everything would be fine, but the domain c www does not open, and without www everything plows.
I tried to prescribe redirects in htaccess, apache and nginx - the effect is zero whole horseradish tenths. In general, as one of the Pilot brothers used to say: “I don’t understand anything ...”.
What could be the problem? Maybe the syntax is wrong? or something with DNS?

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2 answer(s)
CraSS, 2013-07-13

In general, it was necessary to register CNAME and set up a redirect. Earned.
Thanks chemik .

himik, 2013-07-12

You redirect yourself to a domain for which there is no config.

server {
    server_name  www.jablog.ru;
    rewrite ^(.*) http://jablog.ru$1 permanent;

server {
    server_name jablog.ru;
    #остальной конфиг#

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