NLexeych2020-07-13 20:12:55
Career in IT
NLexeych, 2020-07-13 20:12:55

Does programming deform a person as a person?

Some time ago I noticed that programming spoils me as a person and takes away all my vitality.

By the end of the working day, you return with a cast-iron head, the brain simply refuses to work. After sitting at the computer for a long time and intense intellectual load, all my vitality disappears, this activity literally sucks all my energy. And what scares me especially is the fact that I became lazy, I began to forget more, I started to have some kind of apathy, lost interest in the profession, I am dissatisfied with life. I do not like to devote my whole life to this profession. There is not enough time for anything. And my health went down very badly (hypertension, dead gastrointestinal tract (I eat normally), varicocele, prostatitis and some garbage with joints. And this is the worst thing. Before I connected my life with this profession, I was engaged in combat sambo, I was a sports person , full of ideas and bright thoughts... And now my head is just full of tons of information. I lost all sports form, there is no time for sports at all. Since the beginning of 2020, I stopped following what appears in the programming world - I stopped learning everything. And it has gotten easier. I began to devote more time to other hobbies (the time for which programming took me completely) and returned to the sport again. Stopped doing work after work. I do only my duties, I no longer take additional tasks. But I feel that this profession still bothers me. I do only my duties, I no longer take additional tasks. But I feel that this profession still bothers me. I do only my duties, I no longer take additional tasks. But I feel that this profession still bothers me.

Who had it? How to deal with it?

PS .: a little about myself. I am 28 years old, web developer. He entered the profession with ardent enthusiasm, worked for some time also on fanaticism. But the last three years this has not been observed. Literally sick of it. And more nauseous because of how much time programming takes, you have to sacrifice all your other hobbies for the sake of programming. It's morally deadly.

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28 answer(s)
Daria Motorina, 2020-07-13

You had a significant imbalance in your life (nothing other than work), I do not agree with those who say that "development is not yours", rather, you need to reconsider your priorities in life. A psychologist can help if you are really mature enough to delve into yourself. People don’t burn out when all their internal needs are covered, for some it’s coding, and for some it’s sports, travel, family... But this does not mean that you need to quit development, just find a job that is more comfortable) I speak partly from my experience

Northern Lights, 2020-07-14

Author, you came to the chicken coop with the question "how to cook chicken soup."
Here they will prove to you that programming for 30 years is the norm and that there is nothing better than this profession. And that it is "not yours". All answers will be like a blueprint.
If you want answers, go to ebanoe[dot]it via VPN (the site is blocked in the Russian Federation) and read articles from the "Expectation and Reality" section, you will learn a lot of new things.
Ask if you're interested in my opinion. I have written here more than once about burnout and the crisis in this profession.

But I feel that this profession still bothers me.

By the age of 33, you go nuts to the point of madness from the prospect of sticking into a monitor all your life with these endless lines of code.
The profession really exhausts, kills and displays. Your crisis is a natural reaction of the brain, because your miracle profession "takes away all vitality." Further it will only get worse. Much worse. Believe me.

Pashenka, 2020-07-14

Here, many advise to go to a psychologist ... What will a psychologist say that is so non-obvious that people themselves do not understand? What kind of superinformation does he own?

BasiC2k, 2020-07-13

The balance between work and everything else is out of whack. May lead to mental disorders.
Change the type of activity. If you miss developing, start over with small doses.
If you don’t get bored, don’t torture yourself with an unloved thing.

65536, 2020-07-14

Deforms. All around become complete humanists. They kill with their illogicality, inability to operate with more than one entity per unit of time.
Well, not all of course. Many.

Developer, 2020-07-13

No, it does not deform. Develops into a superman.
You have classic burnout.
I need to see a psychologist

it's time to change profession.
development is a great start, but then it gets boring. the same skills can be applied in adjacent areas, and even with greater benefits.
Programmers don't retire.

xmoonlight, 2020-07-13

It's just that earlier you lived in an illusory world, and after you felt an excessive load on your brain, you "saw" (felt) the real existence of the world of your real awareness.
"Swing" your experience in order to stop being aware of what is EXACTLY YOUR DEVELOPMENT at this stage! does not make any sense and hinders your development to comprehend the truth.
Experience and logic are the only things that help you find the right course for your decisions.
Your experience has no limits as well as the realization that you have already been able to understand everything and comprehend everything so much that you can teach anyone anything.

kovtunov_prog, 2020-07-13

You need vacation and rest, and a psychologist, buddy. It happens to everyone. Need to take a good break. Half a year, maybe 3-4 months. Travel, see the world. New hobby.
PS prostatitis from excessive sitting, get up every half an hour and squat

CityCat4, 2020-07-14

Perhaps I'll put a bookmark on your message... It can be cited as an example - what happens if you go into web programming when programming is "not your thing".
You have a classic "burnout", just like in a psychology textbook.
Leave programming, it's not yours. (Well, of course, if there is something to live on, and not that we finish the last pack of doshirak). If you like sports - go to sports, teach children the same combat sambo - in our turbulent times, the ability to hit the snout in time is a very good help in life :)
Diseases - from nerves.
Nerves - from a depressed state and the need to do an unloved thing. You don't have to force yourself.
When the profession is "your", you have been doing it for decades, and you like it as before. I'm an admin (well, now I'm doing information security) - it's scary to say, 30 years already :D And every day - you learn something, because here it's different - nothing, otherwise you will turn into a "walking jacket" in one fell swoop (this is by the way about why I still not the boss).

komb, 2020-07-14

Honestly? It is real, not yours ...
The root of evil is this: "I entered this profession out of pure enthusiasm."
Briefly in abstracts.
Do not confuse the concept of a programmer and "a person who creates software."
A programmer is not a profession or a hobby. This is already a spoiled person, for whom programming is his own. (There are such objects in physics and mathematics. For example, a drop of water in weightlessness, which tends to take the form of a ball. There are more complex examples with different psychofacts, but the point is that if it bothers you, it's not for you).
Burnout... Shit. A concept invented by psycho-specialists, somehow to pump loot out of people and tell them that they are the best.
Well, briefly about myself. I am almost 40, I have been suffering from this garbage since I was 6 years old. Yes, I do not have a normal life in the understanding of the classic layman (14-16 hours at the computer 3-5 days off per month), but this does not depress me.
No, it happens that I’ll forget everything for a month or two, but that’s because of fatigue. Algorithms are still spinning in my head.
And most importantly, what distinguishes a pogromist from a developer is that a pogromist will do something interesting for free.
PS. I know many people in web sculpting who simply absorbed the necessary package of knowledge and stupidly rivet sites (but, in fact, they are as far from programming as a warrant officer is from an officer). Well, along the way, they learn some new buns. It brings them money, it doesn't really bother them. Everyone is happy.

Semyon Abezgauz, 2020-07-14

Sambo is an active sport. Rarely saw protracted battles. Moreover, it is not just "to catch in the head", but to shake things up ala mma (IMHO).
Sport shapes the way we live, so I combined (boxing / judo / "safe" knife fighting with a Spanish style bias / shooting range). I'm not doing it right now, but I'll be back soon, because. I will start training my son if he is interested.
You think in programming the way you think in the ring. It cripples you.
I understand that this is difficult, but make an effort to start the morning with a new sport. Later - you will be able to insert it into your life more often.
Time will pass, but your thinking will change.
ps I
recommend to finish the working day with a trip to the shooting range.
I don’t really recommend boxing / look for a proven trainer (there are awesome ones in St. Petersburg). Why I don’t recommend it: it’s better for you now not to substitute your already tired head / agree on punching the liver, as an option (if , well, itching to knock out ). Sit - get up - continue. Norm scheme (your gastrointestinal tract should return to normal soon after returning to sports, but keep an eye on the situation).
A good trainer: is interested in boxing stories (uses French schemes with curious attacks ala fencing), understands the power of uppercuts and the complexity of this blow (you can accidentally mention this in a conversation to understand that you have a cool specialist in front of you). You need a sport where you start thinking fresh, boxing can contribute to this if the coach is good.
And yes. Why did I focus on sports?
Because you are familiar and familiar with it.
Because your body suffers without it.
Because it can really cure you quickly (IMHO!) But it will take time to get involved ... and it's not scary. Habituation takes the brain.

Puma Thailand, 2020-07-14

Increase physical activity up to 7 times a week.
Every three hours, take a walk outside for 20 minutes, warming up properly.
Fry young girls to the maximum, start at least 2-3 times a day and gradually increase.
Finally start eating normally, take as a basis the same French cuisine, foie gras, expensive cheeses, salads and much more, stop eating your deshman shit that spoils the digestive tract.
Start drinking first-class wine, it's just a paradise, you drink a glass at lunch, walk and straight you rushing from the flow of work.

BarneyGumble, 2020-07-14

I read the comments, well ... it’s funny to hear about burnout and all that)
Author, if you have such an intense workload at work, after which you don’t want anything, then I’m almost sure that you are paid very well for such a load, and you quite like the payment. These funds allow you to live as you have long been accustomed to and you absolutely do not want to lose this standard of living.
What's stopping you from downgrading to June? The load with your experience will be half as much, there will be enough time for all the hobbies. What's stopping you? Oh yes...high salary...
Excuse me, a lot of sarcasm, but ... I so often meet people who work 3 jobs to feed their families and look with envy at people with laptops in the subway, who are poking around while drinking coffee and don’t blow their mustaches . And they are ready to do everything to be in the place of such a person, but ...
I see the problem not in IT, not in the specifics of work (yes, there is this share, but far from the main one), but in the fact that good money = a lot of work, and programmers quickly get used to good money and an appropriate standard of living. So here, either reduce your appetite by changing jobs to less time-consuming ones, or don’t whine about burnout.

Alexander Filippenko, 2020-07-15

Maybe not your area? Maybe a firm?
I decided in my early childhood that I would be a programmer, now I'm 29, and as before, this whole area is terribly interesting to me. But I changed several companies of different sizes and directions, and it was not comfortable to work everywhere. There were places where I waited for Monday with anticipation, but there were places with horror. And relieved stress with expensive food)
Try to look for a more interesting job as a programmer. Well, or in general the field of activity.
By the way, problems with the gastrointestinal tract are often purely nervous, mine ended with the end of school.

Hcuy, 2020-07-13

Take a vacation, it won’t help, change direction, if not, go to a psychologist, as far as I understand it is about burnout, and if so, then you are not alone here, and this happens not only in IT.

Dmitry Roo, 2020-07-13

Somehow a couple of years ago I was at a meetup - a similar story was told. Here is a video: https://youtu.be/wK5J0IzrCbc
The quality is not very good, but it seems like a personal experience there.

Programmir, 2020-07-13

The web is just boring. monotonous work. There are more interesting areas in it.

CoderSoft, 2020-07-14

Engage in spiritual practices, so you will find what exactly caused the loss of energy, I think this is not the process of work itself, but the wrong attitude towards it, plus the inability and inability to independently restore strength and peace of mind. Hence the disease.

2ANikulin, 2020-07-14

Oh my God, just don't go to a psychologist. There is no reason to give your hard-earned money to these sherlotans. Change company and work 8 hours a day. The rest of the time, do whatever you want. Go to a psychotherapist at worst, he will prescribe pills for you

sashabeep, 2020-07-14

Yes. Sometimes it happens that by the end of the day the usual, "human" abilities are at zero - it's trivially difficult to speak, for example, or to perceive information. You write a bunch of lists and tasks so as not to forget some trivial little thing.
But in general, it only means what you recycle. If you do not rest, then you will also work poorly. One way or another, “brain power” decreases with age, and you will have to choose what to leave cognitive abilities for - for yourself or for work. And simulators for the brain will not help either - the brain is already so bad, it must rest. Personally, I do best in isolation, without anything extraneous. For example, I go to mow the grass to the country. The phone does not catch there, and I do not like to stick the player in my ears.

Sup8, 2020-07-14

Everyone is tired! The easiest way to figure it out is to compare. For example, a month to work in a poppy, at a construction site, in a store at the checkout, well, or in hardcore - a factory. And immediately everything will fall into place.

Vladimir Solntsev, 2020-07-14

You write as if someone forced you to program, and is now forcing you, right out of the blue. But you yourself choose who, when, how and how much to work, play sports and anything else.
Your question is not correct. In your particular case, it is not the profession that deforms you, but you ruin yourself. With your life choices. You would understand yourself, and this is to a psychotherapist.

Dolosweb, 2020-07-14

There are professions that change people - a doctor, a policeman. They differ from ordinary citizens in that the profession requires a certain discipline and mentality. Also, programmers differ in that they are quite specific in their lifestyle and interests. Therefore, it is difficult for a person from another world to stay here - you are just a person from another world.
It's time to change the field of activity, or find a hobby of a lifetime, and leave programming to earn money. Still, it's a job to survive.

Gera11, 2020-07-14

How it deforms. You become a human being. You are not interested in anything, everything infuriates, a passion for fast food and porn opens up, and then you don’t have time to look back as you became a bum)

Andrew Nodermann, 2020-07-15

Here is a dude's blog that helped me a lot https://t.me/lichnostniyrost (not a blog helped, but a dude), not free, 3000r per session, lasts from 1.5 to 3 hours, I spent $1000 I had garbage called the crisis of the middle the age when you are 30 years old, and you don’t know what to do next and go in circles, rushing back and forth, now there are clear goals, the brain has not changed immediately, but there will definitely be improvements, all the rest of the garbage didn’t help, so invest in your psychological health $500-$1000 You won't be able to get out on your own. I have undoubtedly left some garbage, no one gives a 100% result, but my head has become cleaner.
Commentators pass by, your opinion is interesting only to you.

RedAnn, 2020-07-15

Emotional burnout. You can not fully invest in work, forgetting about other needs. To start normally on vacation, you need to go and switch. I really like Max Dorofeev's channel about restoring and managing your resources (brains) and, in general, about personal effectiveness. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MY_E-P9KzrI An easy way to restore mental fuel or bring up the brakes in yourself

Vladimir Chernyshev, 2021-01-09

By the way, as it turned out, not only burnout, but also brain cancer can have similar symptoms. I recommend doing an MRI of the brain at the first sign that something has changed

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