Dmitry Sergeev2011-10-27 19:30:11
DDoS Protection
Dmitry Sergeev, 2011-10-27 19:30:11

Does it make sense to write a statement to the "K" department? in case of ddos?

The DDoS customer requires the removal of information that is associated with him. Does it make sense to write a statement to the "K" department?

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6 answer(s)
stampoon, 2011-10-27

Has, let them work. Moreover, there are clues, as I understand it.

andruxin, 2011-10-28

An acquaintance from the neighboring region said that their server of department K is constantly being ddosed))) those have a full log with all the data, and they only transfer pieces of paper from place to place. They shake the server from the authorities more powerfully, so that it does not fall every time))

simon311, 2011-10-27

And remind me, now there is already an article on which something threatens for DDoS? I don’t remember this one, I remember what they wanted to introduce.

Dmitry Sergeev, 2011-10-27

it is not about DDoS, but there are the following articles: Article
273 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - Creation, use and distribution of malicious programs for computers, imprisonment for a term of three to seven years.
Article 274 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation - Violation of the rules for the operation of computers, computer systems or their networks, imprisonment for up to two years.

valeg, 2011-10-27

Definitely needed

Dmitry Sergeev, 2011-10-28

help decrypt the data on ddos, the hoster issued on request
Date flow start Duration Dst IP Addr Proto Packets Bytes bps Bpp Flows
2011-10-27 19:00:00.001 2100.992 TCP 17.7 M 892.9 M 3.4 M 50 8121616

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