Leha Lepeha2019-01-05 12:17:43
Leha Lepeha, 2019-01-05 12:17:43

Does it make sense to use float already in 2k19?

Why float now when there is Flexbox? Or when should you use floats and when flexes?

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2 answer(s)
Nicholas, 2016-03-29

What is the question? How to do something when clicking on the label?
Then here is the answer:
1. set options.openBalloonOnClick = falsefor labels
2. Write a label click handler:

placemark.events.add('click' , function(event) {
    // здесь делаем, что надо

A person from Kazakhstan, 2019-01-05

1) use float for wrapping
2) flexbox for positioning
and now the question is for you: why is it so difficult to write 2019 but write 2k19 with so many characters?

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