svilkov872017-01-25 16:55:18
svilkov87, 2017-01-25 16:55:18

Does it make sense to merge minified files with Gulp if...?

Good afternoon!
When building a project, does it make sense to merge (gulp concatCSS plugin) all css files if one of them is bootstrap.min.css?
Or is it better to include the minified gulp file separately from bootstrap.min.css? That is, both, separately?

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4 answer(s)
Eugene Volf, 2017-01-25

Does it make sense to merge minified files with Gulp if...? one of them is bootstrap.min.css
For HTTP1.0/1.1 - yes, as the previous speaker tells you. For HTTP/2 - the number of files is not so critical, connection 1, not 16-32 as in the case of HTTP1.x.
I'll tell you this - if you stick together all the CSS that are used on most pages, then it won't get worse, at least. If you have some CSS on the 1st page out of 100, and you sew it into the main CSS - the idea was so-so.

lestato9, 2017-01-25

In order to reduce the number of requests to the server, it is better to use 1 css file, for which it is also easy to set up caching, so that it will be loaded only 1 time. And if the question is whether it will work in this case - yes, it will

Maxim Timofeev, 2017-01-25

Of course it's worth it, the main thing is not to confuse the sequence. Bootstrap code should go first, then yours.

Gregory, 2017-01-25

I would suggest making two CSS files in one to concatenate and minify your styles and important libraries like the bootstrap grid. And the second style file libs.min.css with all other libraries, for example, the rest of the bootstrap (if you use it) used in the project and include this file at the end of the body of the html document

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