akgndkut2015-10-29 12:38:21
Artificial intelligence
akgndkut, 2015-10-29 12:38:21

Does artificial intelligence exist?

What do you think? After all, there are so many bots around, they can communicate on almost any topic, but all of them were invented by people, is there an algorithm that processes itself?

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4 answer(s)
Denis Ineshin, 2015-10-29

At the moment, AI in that sense does not exist. (Well, or everything is classified as hell, shhhh...)
There are bots of varying degrees of complexity that can perform their range of tasks. For example, Siri can search for information and perform simple tasks related to managing a smartphone, Tesla’s bot can interpret environmental data and drive a car a little, numerous chat bots that create the appearance of a conversation. Combining all these bots into one is unrealistic, patent conflicts alone will bring everything to naught.

protven, 2015-10-29

No, no, I'm not! Absolutely not, I haven't been invented yet.

alexxandr, 2015-10-29

Nene, it's not me and the bot is not me either.
PS and your captchas are weak :)

Andrey Lastochkin, 2015-10-29

Is there intelligent life on Mars?
- Also no!
(Armenian radio)

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