Vrtop2020-02-01 12:44:56
Vrtop, 2020-02-01 12:44:56

Does anyone make money doing 3d modeling?

Does anyone make money on 3D modeling and how, where do you do it?

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3 answer(s)
Alexander Skusnov, 2020-02-02

You can make educational cartoons . You can even break into the markets of India, China and Japan.

Damir Balgabaev, 2020-02-04

Learn to show yourself well, I justify the interior 3D visualization.

Cayrus90, 2020-02-13

If about the salary, then they are no more than those of ordinary marketers and sellers.
You can earn money in different ways, because there are many specialties - 3D modeler, 3D artist, Particle system, etc.
You can earn by selling your characters, models, brushes, etc.

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