Crash2017-07-21 08:40:09
Domain name market
Crash, 2017-07-21 08:40:09

Does a hyphen in a domain name affect website traffic?

As everyone knows, second-level domain names can use a hyphen. Does it affect site traffic? In this case, the site address is typed a little longer, and this can be noticeable on mobile devices, because. there you have to switch the character set.

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1 answer(s)
Alexey Yarkov, 2017-07-21

Do you really think that if the site has really interesting content, then someone will be stopped by typing "-"? And if the site is UG, then at least make a domain out of one letter - no one will return there. Plus it's a one time thing. In the future, the smart browser will prompt for the first characters when typing.
Don't bother with such trifles))

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