Alexander Stepanov2019-11-04 01:26:08
Search Engine Optimization
Alexander Stepanov, 2019-11-04 01:26:08

Do you need different slug options for a multilingual site?

There was a need to add a second language for the site. Everything is fine, but..
Do I need to register a different slug for each language, provided that the site with the language opens at mysite.com/ru/category/post-slug and
At the moment, slug is written in version 1, in Latin or generated from the Russian title, also in Latin.

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2 answer(s)
Evgeny Yudin, 2019-11-04

Not necessary. The language folder is enough.

Pavel, 2019-11-07
Sayk @PiSaiK

Needed. Since the slug must contain keys in its own language

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