Alexander2016-02-10 15:19:26
Alexander, 2016-02-10 15:19:26

Do you need a CRM plugin for team management?

Tell me which plugin for WordPress is the most appropriate for organizing team work on a site on WP ???
For example, I have 4 authors, 1 proofreader and 1 translator. I need to organize the simplest (basic) stages of interaction between them (people). Like TeamLab - ONLYOFFICE, only in a simpler way: without built-in office file editors, mail, etc.
Considering - Contenido Team Manager
And how in practice ??? Advise?!?!?!
Thanks !!!

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2 answer(s)
Dimonchik, 2016-02-10

Literally today
Which service is better suited for studio project management?
specifically for your task/parameters, I recommend looking at https://www.jetbrains.com/youtrack/

7kocha, 2016-02-10

Why don't you just disable ONLYOFFICE modules that you don't need to work - helpcenter.onlyoffice.com/en/gettingstarted/config...

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