NesterenkoAlex2014-11-16 15:41:51
IT education
NesterenkoAlex, 2014-11-16 15:41:51

Do I need to pay for courses at codeschool?

In March 2014, I saw the wonderful codeschool resource for the first time and decided to give it a try. I tied it to PayPal, paid for a month, used it, and then forgot about it.
More than six months passed, the term of using the card was ending and I decided to take a printout of all transactions. There were invoices for each month for six months from codeschool, which I did not pay (because I did not use it).
Tell me if I need to pay for extracts from codeschool if I didn’t use it? (if yes, where can I see them)

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1 answer(s)
Alexey Kot, 2014-11-17

Well, in fact, it is your fault that you did not read carefully - you subscribed, and the essence of the subscription is the monthly debiting of funds from the card, at the time you started the subscription, you agreed to this. But, to be honest, I recently also failed with a subscription to raywanderlich.com video courses, for some reason I also thought that when the month passes, they will ask me whether to pay further or not, and was surprised when the money for the second month was withdrawn automatically. Then he turned off the subscription, but did not argue with them, for he himself was a fool.
And the fact that you did not use it is not an argument. Although you can describe the situation to them, perhaps they will return the funds, it is sometimes easier for them to give than to swear at you, it depends on the people.

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