Stepan2015-12-03 23:16:14
Domain name market
Stepan, 2015-12-03 23:16:14

Do I need to enter an address when registering a domain?

I register a business card site on reg.ru with a .net domain. Since this is a business card site, I didn’t refuse to enter my mail, phone number and full name, but I don’t want to give the address that they require me to. This means that any guys in black jeeps can break into my house in the middle of the night and ... In short, is it necessary to enter an address when registering a domain?

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3 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2015-12-04

the address is needed so that the hoster registrar can send you legally significant documents.

Sergey Goryachev, 2015-12-03

If you are afraid of uncles in jeeps, then believe me, the phone and name are enough.

Andrey Burov, 2015-12-03

Mandatory .. only no one will check it;)

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