igninus2015-02-03 23:49:39
IT education
igninus, 2015-02-03 23:49:39

Do grades in the diploma affect the search for a job and a university in another country?

As far as I understand, it is impossible to get a job abroad without higher education, but do employers look at grades? If I finish my bachelor's degree in this country with Cs, will it affect my job search and admission to a master's program in another?

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8 answer(s)
index0h, 2015-02-03

On the magistracy - will affect. To work - no, except if you are an enemy to yourself and want to work in the state. office

Evsign, 2015-02-04

As far as I understand, it is impossible to get a job abroad without higher education, but do employers look at grades?

No comments ...
The question is initially stupid ... Something looks like:
Do you think that having a diploma decides your employment?
After graduation, 100% of my acquaintances simply hung their diploma on the wall in a frame ... As a rule, on the wall of their parents, so that they would calm down ... (top universities)

mamkaololosha, 2015-02-04

It will affect admission to graduate school. It will affect the work in Google-Facebook. Otherwise, no, because at the onsight screening test, all the juice will be squeezed out of you and so on. There are rating databases of universities and faculties in the visa services. Databases of resumes, universities and other things in companies are also available. Few people will pay 10k to a migration lawyer and wait for you for 4-6 months.
> bachelor
Count again on the bachelor, paid. For a master's degree, you should already cherish publications and science from the 2nd or 3rd year, so that there is something to show. Tembolee with triples, because of which you may not receive a scholarship.

Spetros, 2015-02-03

Do you think that with triples in the diploma in specialized subjects, you will be able to correctly answer the relevant questions when applying for a job or independently solve the task at the interview?
Do you speak English or the language of "another country", or are there also "triples" there?

Puma Thailand, 2015-02-04

Who told you it's not possible?
I can tell you Facebook for sure, they hire IBM without a higher education, I think others do too, and no employer needs your diploma if you have experience, and if you don’t have experience, they also don’t need your diploma.

Sergey Petrikov, 2015-02-04

If you didn’t graduate from a Harvard-level university, then everyone except your parents doesn’t give a shit about your grades, there are requirements for a diploma, nothing more.

alk, 2015-02-04

I have not yet tried to get a job abroad, but from my own experience I can say that having a diploma should not be underestimated. If you know how to use it, and not hang it on the wall, then you can use it to earn points in an interview. I checked)

Elena, 2015-02-11

It all depends on your experience and knowledge. Education is just pieces of paper that confirm your knowledge. No one ever looks at grades at work.

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