paevlk20072014-08-01 14:29:12
paevlk2007, 2014-08-01 14:29:12

Django how to solve smart_select id problem, pandas?

from django_pandas.managers import DataFrameManager

class Accessories(models.Model):
    created_on = models.DateTimeField(u"Дата создания", auto_now_add=True, editable=True, blank=True, null=True)
    posted_by =  models.ForeignKey(User, blank=True, null=True)
    edited_by = models.CharField(max_length=255, blank=True)
    accessories_plot = models.ForeignKey(Accessories_plot, verbose_name='Участок', blank=True, null=True)
    accessories_view_eq = ChainedForeignKey(Accessories_view_eq, chained_field = "accessories_plot", chained_model_field = "accessories_plot", show_all = False, auto_choose = True, verbose_name='Оборудование', blank=True, null=True)
    accessories_node = ChainedForeignKey(Accessories_node, chained_field = "accessories_view_eq", chained_model_field = "accessories_view_eq", auto_choose = True, verbose_name='Узлы оборудования', blank=True, null=True)
    accessories_work =  ChainedForeignKey(Accessories_work, chained_field = "accessories_node", related_name='accessories_works', chained_model_field = "accessories_node", verbose_name='Работы', blank=True, null=True)

objects = DataFrameManager()

def accessories_work_otchet(request, template_name="accessories_work_otchet.html"):
    qs = Accessories.objects.filter(workers=10).all()
    rows = ['accessories_work', 'accessories_works']
    cols = [ 'access_date_perfor', 'workers']
    df = qs.to_pivot_table(values='access_time_total', aggfunc=np.sum, rows=rows, cols=cols, margins=True, dropna=True, verbose=True, fill_value='')
    qw = df.to_html(index=True, classes='')
    ctx = {'qw': qw}
    return render(request, template_name, ctx)

The problem is that the fields with models.ForeignKey in the report (to_html) reflect the names, the fields with ChainedForeignKey reflect the id of this field.
Help!!! Thank you!

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