Kotyamba2011-04-29 13:51:09
Computer networks
Kotyamba, 2011-04-29 13:51:09

Distribute CPU and RAM resources on the local network

There are 4 computers, all have different OS:
windows xp prof
windows xp home
windows vista home
linux ubuntu (console)
they all work on the same network.
It is necessary that a weak linux machine use cpu resources for some calculations of other machines on the network. Who knows anything about this?

Variants like “why do you need this?” not write!

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6 answer(s)
ComodoHacker, 2011-04-29

Without knowing the Russian language type, do not write to Habr!

Puma Thailand, 2011-04-29

Well, put mpi everywhere and do everything through it.

@greynix, 2011-04-29

if we are talking about compilation, there is distcc , under win they also say yes, I wrote a note about setting

Codebaker, 2011-04-29

Did you look here ?

MihailOlenin, 2011-04-29

A rather meaningless action without a description of the type of tasks. You can use various libraries, take at least the same PyRo for python that implements RPC.
Or maybe these are MapReduce level tasks, then there are other, more efficient solutions.

Alexey Pomogaev, 2011-04-29


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